Hilsen fra Borg til ELCJHL

Den evangelisk-lutherske kirke i Jordan og Det hellig land er Borgs partnerkirke. Biskop og bispedømmeråd sendte etter sitt møte 11.06 en hilsen til en hardt prøvet kirke.

Besøk av Isaac Munther, prest i ELCJHL, høsten 2023

Her er brevet som ble sendt:

In you, O Lord, I seek refuge; do not let me ever be put to shame; in your righteousness deliver me. Incline your ear to me; rescue me speedily. Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me.

(Psalm 31:1–2)


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

(Matthew 5:9)

Dear sisters and brothers in ELCJHL


The diocese of Borg again wants to express its deepest sympathy with our sister church, ELCJHL.

Our hearts break with the news of continued attacks in Gaza. Our words fall short when we try to express our horror at the ongoing actions of war spreading fear and trauma in Gaza, in the West Bank and in the whole region.

We hear your calls for the world to stop the war. May the Lord forgive us in our failure to do so.


We understand your feelings of hopelessness, exhaustion, even betrayal, as the war goes on at our watch. We have seen enough to say, to shout: Stop the war! Free the hostages! Free the arbitrarily imprisoned! May the Lord give us strength to shout louder.


We cry out with you against those who violate the innocent. We look for ways to help those who suffer, to influence those in power, to take part in actions of peace and justice. May the Lord give us courage to do more.


We are challenged and encouraged by your faithfulness to the people of Palestine, through schooling, emergency aid and steadfast perseverance (Sumoud).  


We pray that the decisions of the Norwegian and other European governments these past weeks to recognize Palestine as a state may contribute to a hopeful vision for tomorrow. We pray for an end to the war, so that a just peace may come along with healing, reconciliation and rebuilding of everything that is torn down in this time of despair.

God bless the Palestinian people and ELCJHL.




Yours in Christ       


Kari Mangrud Alvsvåg


Bishop of Borg

Karin Elin Berg


Leader of Borg diocesan council

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