Contact Church of Norway

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. Find contact information here.

Kirkens mønster med mange små elementer som kors, hjerte, vanndråpe med mer.


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I want to


Report something (Whistleblowing)

We want to get to know conditions worthy of criticism in the Church of Norway. You can report if you have seen or experienced anything worthy of criticism here.

Click here to whistleblow or read more.


Find or contact your local congregation

Are you a member of Church of Norway? Log in on Min side (My page) to find your congregation.

Do you want to find which church is closest to you, you can write your postal code or the name of the city in the search below. The results will be shown in Norwegian.


Reach Church of Norway in my region (diocese)

Church of Norway is divided into 11 dioceses, all of these have an office which you can contact.

Find contact information to your diocese here (Norwegian page). The page contains E-mail address, phone number and web page to dioceses.


Reach the National Councils in Church of Norway

Welcome to contact Kirkerådet, the National Council in Church of Norway. This is the national administrative office of Church of Norway.

If you have general questions, you can contact the reception by phone, e-mail or post. Find the contact information here (Norwegian page)

If you have any questions regarding ecumenical, interfaith and international relations, you can contact Mellomkirkelig råd (Council on Ecumenical and International Relations)

You can also contact the Director for Ecumenical and International relations in Church of Norway, Einar Tjelle. Find his contact information below.

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