PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (subject to changes)
Note: Several seminars are scheduled at the same time.
7:30 PM Evening Prayer at the Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
Participants: Church Service Committee, local staff, and the Department of Sami Church Life in the Church of Norway.
FRIDAY, June 27
(Official opening day of Sami Church Days 2025)
10:00 AM Exhibition opening with Anna Stina Svakko and Girkugiisá. Art Association, Alta City Center.
11:00 AM Exhibition opening with Per Ivar Somby – old photographs. Alta City Square.
1:00 PM Opening Service at the Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
3:00–4:30 PM Seminar: Sacred Landscapes. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
3:00 PM Film (title forthcoming). Alta Cinema.
4:00–4:45 PM Photo Lecture: A young Skolt Sami man’s life as a hunter. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Presented by Vesa Orassalo.
Break until 6:00 PM.
6:00–7:30 PM Film More Than Just Mountains. Alta Cinema. Discussion with filmmaker Johannes Vang.
6:00–7:00 PM Sydisdans. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
6:00–7:30 PM Ságastallamat/Conversation: Reconciliation, Yoik, and Christian Faith. Lavvu in the church park.
Presenter: Kristian Paulsen. Moderator: Risten Turi Aleksandersen.
7:30–8:30 PM Break.
8:30–9:30 PM Hymn Singing Evening with Pia Holmgren, Maria Smeds, and Åvla Lifjell.
Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
9:30–10:30 PM Break.
10:30 PM Bus departure from Alta City Center to Jiepmaluokta (Hjemmeluft).
11:00 PM Midnight Service at Jiepmaluokta Beach.
8:30–10:00 AM Orthodox liturgy. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
10:30 AM–12:00 PM Main Seminar: The Role of the Church in Future Reconciliation Efforts. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
Presenters: Lovisa Mienna Sjöberg, Mari Valjakka, and Kaisa Huuva.
12:00–1:00 PM Break.
1:00–1:45 PM
- Seminar: Sami Musical Expressions in the Church – How can Sami church music contribute to reconciliation? Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta). Presenter: Karin Nelson. Panel: Kristian Paulsen, Hanna-Maaria Kiprianoff, and Åvla Lifjell.
- Seminar: Mental Health and Reconciliation. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Organized by SANKS, Uvja, and Church SOS.
- Seminar: Sami Bible Translation. Alta Library. In collaboration with the Norwegian Bible Society.
1:45–2:00 PM Break.
2:00–3:00 PM
- Bargobadji/Workshop: Yarn and Handicrafts. Limited to 15 participants. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Led by Ida-Maria Marakatt.
- Ságastallamat/Conversation: Racism against Sami – How can the church and local communities collaborate? Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
- Traditional Hymn Singing. Lavvu in the church park. Led by Johan Máhtte Skum.
3:00–3:30 PM Break.
3:30–5:00 PM
- Seminar: Girkugiisá. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church. Concludes with a walk to the exhibition room at the Art Association. Presented by Anna Stina Svakko.
- Sami Church Life and LGBTQ+. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta).
- Seminar: Repatriation of Sami Remains. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta). Presenters: Fredrik Juul and Erva Niittyvuopio.
5:00–6:00 PM Break.
6:00 PM Youth Service. Alta Church, Kirkeveien 1 (10 minutes walking distance from the Northern Lights Cathedral).
8:00 PM CONCERT – Kajsa Balto. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
SUNDAY, June 29
9:30–10:15 AM Youth Appeal to the Churches in Sápmi. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
Response from Bishops.
11:00 AM Closing Service with the handover of responsibility for the next Sámi Church Days to Sweden.
Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.