PRELIMINARY PROGRAM (subject to changes)
Note: Several seminars are scheduled at the same time.
Preliminary Program for the Sami Church Days 2025. Changes may occur. The final program will be available by February. The text for the preliminary program is available in Norwegian, English, and Northern Sami.
7:30 PM Evening Prayer at the Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
Participants: Church Service Committee, local staff, and the Department of Sami Church Life in the Church of Norway.
FRIDAY, June 27
(Official opening day of Sami Church Days 2025)
10:00 AM Exhibition opening with Anna Stina Svakko and Girkugiisá. Art Association, Alta City Center.
11:00 AM Exhibition opening with Per Ivar Somby – old photographs. Alta City Square.
1:00 PM Opening Service at the Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
3:00–4:30 PM Seminar: Sacred Landscapes. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
3:00 PM Film (title forthcoming). Alta Cinema.
4:00–4:45 PM Photo Lecture: A young Skolt Sami man’s life as a hunter. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Presented by Vesa Orassalo.
Break until 6:00 PM.
6:00–7:30 PM Film More Than Just Mountains. Alta Cinema. Discussion with filmmaker Johannes Vang.
6:00–7:00 PM Sydisdans. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
6:00–7:30 PM Ságastallamat/Conversation: Reconciliation, Yoik, and Christian Faith. Lavvu in the church park.
Presenter: Kristian Paulsen. Moderator: Risten Turi Aleksandersen.
7:30–8:30 PM Break.
8:30–9:30 PM Hymn Singing Evening with Pia Holmgren, Maria Smeds, and Åvla Lifjell.
Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
9:30–10:30 PM Break.
10:30 PM Bus departure from Alta City Center to Jiepmaluokta (Hjemmeluft).
11:00 PM Midnight Service at Jiepmaluokta Beach.
8:30–10:00 AM Orthodox liturgy. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
10:30 AM–12:00 PM Main Seminar: The Role of the Church in Future Reconciliation Efforts. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
Presenters: Lovisa Mienna Sjöberg, Mari Valjakka, and Kaisa Huuva.
12:00–1:00 PM Break.
1:00–1:45 PM
- Seminar: Sami Musical Expressions in the Church – How can Sami church music contribute to reconciliation? Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta). Presenter: Karin Nelson. Panel: Kristian Paulsen, Hanna-Maaria Kiprianoff, and Åvla Lifjell.
- Seminar: Mental Health and Reconciliation. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Organized by SANKS, Uvja, and Church SOS.
- Seminar: Sami Bible Translation. Alta Library. In collaboration with the Norwegian Bible Society.
1:45–2:00 PM Break.
2:00–3:00 PM
- Bargobadji/Workshop: Yarn and Handicrafts. Limited to 15 participants. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta). Led by Ida-Maria Marakatt.
- Ságastallamat/Conversation: Racism against Sami – How can the church and local communities collaborate? Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta).
- Traditional Hymn Singing. Lavvu in the church park. Led by Johan Máhtte Skum.
3:00–3:30 PM Break.
3:30–5:00 PM
- Seminar: Girkugiisá. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church. Concludes with a walk to the exhibition room at the Art Association. Presented by Anna Stina Svakko.
- Sami Church Life and LGBTQ+. Meeting Room Sautso (Scandic Alta).
- Seminar: Repatriation of Sami Remains. Meeting Room Vest-Finnmark (Scandic Alta). Presenters: Fredrik Juul and Erva Niittyvuopio.
5:00–6:00 PM Break.
6:00 PM Youth Service. Alta Church, Kirkeveien 1 (10 minutes walking distance from the Northern Lights Cathedral).
8:00 PM CONCERT – Kajsa Balto. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
SUNDAY, June 29
9:30–10:15 AM Youth Appeal to the Churches in Sápmi. Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.
Response from Bishops.
11:00 AM Closing Service with the handover of responsibility for the next Sami Church Days to Sweden.
Northern Lights Cathedral, Alta Church.