Hilsen fra Daugavpils

Vi har fått en hilsen fra pastor Slava i vår vennskapsmenighet i Daugavpils i Latvia.

Hilsen fra Daugavpils


For av nåde er dere frelst, ved tro. Det er ikke deres eget verk, men Guds gave

Efeserbrevet 2, 8

Gratulerer til ferien: "ADVENT TIME"
Velsignelse din familie venner og kirke i Trondheim​!!!

Warm greetings from Kraslava, LATVIA
We are grateful for your help and donations up to the September of 2015!
Your support means a lot and It is very important for the development of Christian ministry in Kraslava.
Children come with great joy and enjoy a hot lunch!
We were able to conduct children's camps for 45 children and 25 adults this summer. It was really a great occasion to minister to
needy children.
Thank you once again for your help and support.
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We continue to serve "soup kitchen for children" from very poor families in September. On Friday and Sunday,
2 TIMES A WEEK children come to classes at CHRISTIAN CENTER and receive assistance, food, clothing and hot meals.
They are very active in this ministry and we are very grateful to them for all their hard work. Thank God for their dedication.
Our needs and costs for 2015-2016:

1. Cost of food for hot meals, 35 children, the price: 50 euro for one meal (35 portions)
9-10 times a month COST (450-500 euro / month).

2. The cost of "food packages" TO POOR large family = 50 euro / month.
There are 5-7 families who are in great need of assistance. It is an additional 250-350 euro / month.

3. Our plan of 2015-2016 buy this property in Kraslava for the Christian center.
TOTAL COST 22.000 euro + taxes.

We in the Church started to collect donations and also pensioners from Kraslava started donating 20, - euro / month,
ALTHOUGH their pensions are very small: 260-270 euros per month. We have collected so far 475, - euro.
We pray and expect help from God and from good people who love children.

With respect,
pastor Slava


PS: Hvis du vil støtte vennskapsmenigheten bruker du konto: 8601 20 88517. Se også lenken under.

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