The Holy Spirit vault in the south nave

From the Creation vault in the east aisle, the line continues into the Holy Spirit vault in the south aisle. In the background, the third figure of Christ is depicted, illuminated by the baptism.

Baptism of Christ. Background field in the Holy Spirit vault in the south aisle.

Along the vault’s side follows the sequence of motifs related to the third article of faith.


Closest to the background field on the left: A holy, universal church depicted during Pentecost, the church’s founding day, when tongues of fire descend upon the disciples.

Opposite this, on the right side of the background field, we see the Community of Saints depicted during the Last Supper. It’s not the meal itself that is depicted, but the moment just after it has ended and they are heading out to the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane. John is still standing by the chalice, illuminated by it.

Next to the Last Supper, the Forgiveness of Sins is depicted; Jesus heals the lame.

Opposite this, next to the Pentecost motif, we see the Resurrection of the Flesh depicted by the resurrection of Lazarus. This motif was painted during the German occupation 1940-45, and the artist painted the Norwegian colors, red, white, and blue, around the resurrected figure - a silent protest against the occupying power that German censorship never detected.

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