Refugees – Welcome

All people are strangers in one way or another. Being aware of this means remembering always to be humble and respectful when meeting others, or oneself. Oslo Cathedral: Service and supper Fridays 23 Sept. + 21 Oct. + 18 Nov. at 4.3o pm

Detail from the bronze doors of Oslo Cathedral

Never have so many been put to flight in our world as today. A refugee has experiences of being a stranger in an extremely vulnerable way: Most things are different in the new country. It takes time to familiarize oneself. It takes time to perceive oneself as recognized, accepted, as one who belongs.

Also, basic human rights are denied many of those who are fleeing. We believe that friendship is the beginning of protection. Therefore we invite all who in different ways feel estranged to join us for a service and a warm supper on three occasions this autumn.

In the cathedral, we can meditate on being human in the presence of God. During supper, we can share experiences, thoughts and longings, joys and sorrows. Supper is served in the Crypt from around 5 pm.


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